Massage Treatment
Choose your massage
Come and discover the unique experience of our massages, wrapped in the embrace of Icelandic nature! At Nudd Gardabaer, every touch is an ode to care and love for our customers. We exclusively use our signature line of natural cosmetics, formulated with pure, sustainable ingredients that reflect the wild essence of Iceland. Immerse yourself in a world of well-being and beauty, where every movement is designed to pamper your skin and regenerate your spirit. Indulge in the luxury of a treatment that goes beyond the surface, penetrating the soul of nature itself. At Nudd Gardabaer, we don’t just treat the body, we also celebrate your authentic and unique beauty. Come and enjoy an experience that will leave you radiant inside and out.
Experiences from Nudd Garðabær
I went to Loredana three weeks ago and tried the Tibetan massage (whose name is now escaping me) and I have enjoyed it very much. Loredana is very professional and competent and I am looking forward to booking another appointment with her!
Amazing Tibetan massage
- I tried Loredana’s Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage.If you need relaxation, this is the massage for you. I felt embraced by a wave of the ocean!
Ég mæli eindregið með nuddmeðferð hjá Loredönu. Hún hefur góða nærveru e meðhöndlar mann af alúð og þekkingu. Ég hef prufað Havaíska lomilomi nuddið hjá henni tvisvar, sem er unaðsleg upplifun. Það er nánast eins og maður liggi í flæðarmálinu e að það séu öldur hafsins sem nudda mann. Afskaplega róandi og nærandi nudd, gott fyrir líkama og sál.
Æðislegt nudd mjög slakandi e gott. Mæli 100% með
Ég for til Loredana til að fá lomi lomi (hawaiískur) nudd, hún er frábær með yfir 10 ára reynslu sem nuddari. slakandi. Ég ætla að fara aftur til hennar.
Dásamlegt nudd e Loredana mjög yndæk. slakaði mijög vel á og leið vel í skrokknum í marga day á eftir.
Frábært nudd í frábæru og afdlöppuðu andrúmslofti – takk!
Thank you, dear Loredana. This was a wonderful and powerful massage.
I noticed a huge release of resistance stored in different parts of my body. I felt so safe in your presence that it was easy to relax and release what I had been holding onto for years.
At the end of the massage it felt like we made space for something heavenly to return to me. It appeared as 1000 beings holding a higher form of consciousness.
When this consciousness entered my heart I felt like a mini rebirth was taking place. It was profound.
It’s been a couple of days after the massage now and I am still integrating what has occurred.
Thank you so much for your loving and kind service.
I highly recommend you and will definitely come back again.
Much love and appreciation, Pia